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How to replace the motor brushes in a Bosch WFR2450 Axxis+ washer

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


If your Bosch washer won't spin or tumble, or the motor makes weird growling noises, you may need to replace the carbon brushes in the motor.

Here's the part link to the replacement brush set ==> http://www.repaircli.../154740/1043249

And here's a pretty good video that shows you how to replace them:

Although the video does a good job of showing you how to replace the brushes, Grand Master kdog offers the following clarifying comments on some of the other points mentioned in the video:

Pretty good video, but gotta disagree with a few points in it - "All Electric Motors have brushes" - that couldn't be further from the truth, in fact MOST of the motors that we, as appliance people, deal with DO NOT have brushes.

Also the brush he extracted from the motor he said "Shows no Visible Signs of Damage" - to me, the end of it that contacts the commutator has a clear strip burnt into it where it was perhaps not making full contact. Since I do not (have not) seen very many brushes, it would look suspicious to me.

Source: bosch wfr2450 Axxis+ washer wont spin, how to get error codes?

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