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Tips for troubleshooting an F1 error code in a Dacor range

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


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Dacor Product Service Bulletin

Complaint : Failure Code F1

For steadly F1 codes:

1. Leave the power on, as the F1 signals showing on display.

Carefully take down the control panel or the maintop and access the back of the ERC/CLOCK.

2. Find the flat ribbon coming off from the membrane (touch pad) going into the ERC/CLOCK.

3. While the F1 is signaling, press cancel/secure and immediately disconnect the touch pad going into the ERC.

If the Membrane is faulty, the F1 will cease, then replace the membrane.

For Continuing F1

After the above is completed follow the steps below.

Inspect the Molex plug connection from the ERC to to the relay board for a shorted connection.

Check relay board for cracked solder joints at the connection.

ERC with F1 Failure

The F1 must be displayed in the ERC for this test.

At the ERC check for 24 VDC at the J2 connector between pins 1 and 3 for single / lower oven.

At the J5 connector between 7 and 10 for the lower oven (when the oven is not in a cooking mode).

if you read 24 VDC at those test points, replace the ERC/CLOCK.

Source: Dacor cps230r F1 Error code


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