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Tool tips for removing the hub nut in the newer model LG / Kenmore top loading washers

Anyone know if there is an official hub nut tool from LG for the big 38mm nut on the new Kenmore and LG toploaders?


LG does not offer/provide the tool.

You'll need a DEEP SOCKET---to be used with an IMPACT TOOL (I use a DeWalt 18 volt).

I purchased my DEEP SOCKET for less than $15 on amazon.com


<<<Both service manuals show a tool on pg 25 but have no part #. They are different tools, but both serve to remove that 38mm hub nut.>>>


Yes---but only for training/demonstration purposes---not to be used though.


<<< if you have one of these you know it I'd think.

1)a flat spanner kinda like a GE toploader style, but curved similar to motorcycle shock adjuster wrenchs if tht helps.

2) Looks like a 38mm socket attached to a T-breaker bar.>>>


Both types will not only make it difficult to remove the BASKET NUT (very tight)---but are likely to cause damage to the BASKET (not much room to swing a 5 lb hammer).

Using the IMPACT TOOL makes this a very simple task.

Source: Techs - LG Top Loader hub nut tool? 38mm spanner


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