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Jumper Wires Used, and NOT used, in Appliance Repair

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


A common and powerful electrical troubleshooting technique is to by-pass suspected bad components. This is done using what's called a jumper wire that is placed across the contacts of the component, typically a switch of some type. You can buy a bag of jumper wires at Radio Shack or just make your own.

With this in mind, I present you this illustrative and thought-provoking photo. Can you answer the question it asks?


Give up?

Okay, here's the answer:

The first three are ones I use, the fourth one is used by someone that should NOT be any where near electrical work................... DO NOT be that person, use an insulated 'jumper'....... Okey Dokey ....

Related: The Fine Art of Wire Terminal Crimping

Source ==> http://appliantology...9800pw2-washer/

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Use number 4 if you really really like my avatar and want to experience it personally.

My favorite jumper is a set of meter leads, shortened a bit and connected together.

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lol. Number 4 is in my toolkit (with a bit of tape on it) because it is the only jumper that works on a Whirlpool Icemaker optics emitter board connector. This is for when you are jumping between the black and the black/white stripe wire to force power to an icemaker.



I grew up using number 4 in my dad's appliance shop! 

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