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Mrs. Samurai's Kitchen

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Parmesan Crisps

Mrs. Samurai


Yum! I just saw this blog post and thought I would pass it along. Do you love crunchy, salty snacks, but are trying to avoid carbs and/or fried foods? How about some crispy disks of parmesan cheese? Sounds good to me. I used to do something similar to this with smoked provolone, but I think this would have a little more punch and crunch. Let me know if you try it, and what you think.

This is from the excellent Food Renegade blog (click that link to see the whole entry).

Parmesan Crisp Recipe

The Players

  • Parmesan Cheese, grated

The How-To

Simply spoon the grated Parmesan cheese into chip-sized, relatively thin dollops on a hot griddle. The cheese will melt, then turn crispy. At this point, use a spatula to flip the crisps over and lightly brown the other side. Then remove from the griddle onto a plate.

The end.

If you don’t have a griddle, you can spoon the Parmesan cheese into chip-sized, relatively thin dollops on a cookie sheet or two. Place the cookie sheets in your oven under the broiler and watch them melt and lightly brown. At this point, remove them from the oven and use a spatula to transfer them onto a plate.

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