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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Haha - nice! going around your elbows to get to your asshole - does it matter either way which supplier we recommend, been using the RC one so long I'm quite used to it.

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  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Machs nicht, kemosabe. I personally always use RC links because of a) habit and B) less fuss-- just paste the link and I'm done. But the APP button is slick! Use whichever the spirit moves you at the moment.



I noticed that when you paste model in the search box, it defaults to RC - also if you use the text link below it. how might one check the other site ? - given a preference, i prefer the search box defaults to RC

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  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Scroll down to the line menu at the bottom of the page. The "Parts" link there goes to APP.

The other reason I usually post RC links is because lots of times I'm posting on my iPhone (like now) and RC has a fully mobile-enabled site! Loads in an instant and a it's a snap to look up parts and snag the link there on a smart phone. Mobile is the wave of the future. Appliantology is fully mobilized, including the chat room! Just go to RepairClinic.com on your smartphone and the mobile site will automatically load in your phone.



Haha - using me and smartphone in the same sentance is like puttin' an elevator in an outhouse!

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