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Bleach dispenser in a new LG washer is not flushing completely

Let Sublime Master john63 put your mind at ease...

<<<I just bought a LG WM2101 and the bleach tray doesn't flush completely>>>


A commonly asked question.

In nearly all cases---the BLEACH did in fact---dispense into the tub at the appropriate time during the cycle.

In nearly all front loading washers with a *drawer* type dispenser assembly---a small amount of water remains in the dispenser compartments (Prewash/Main Wash/Bleach Liquid/Fab Softener).

To verify that the bleach dispenser is indeed functioning correctly...

After a cycle ends---open the drawer and "dip" your finger into the bleach dispenser.

Smell the liquid--if a *heavy* bleach odor is present then the dispenser failed to function.

If the smell has a *faint* bleach odor---normal.

Source: LG WM2101 washer bleach dispenser not completely flushing


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