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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Back to Work!

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving day with family and friends. Lots of people have the day off today but, alas, no such luxury for the Samurai. After a good morning constitutional, it's back to work!

The other night in chat, BrntToast suggested that I start a forum just for tips and tricks on using and getting them most out this forum software since it's new for all the oldtimers here, including yours so freaking truly. Just did that this morning. You may have noticed the new forum category, "Samurai School of Appliantology Student Union."

There's a new forum in there called Orientation for New Students. This is a completely open forum where anyone can start topics and reply to topics on using these forums. So, for example, if you're a lurker here and trying to figure out how to get started, you can ask in the orientation forum without having to register.

Similarly, if you're an existing user of the old forums and are confused about something on these forums, this is the place to ask.

I also moved the Announcements forum to the Samurai School of Appliantology Student Union category 'cuz it seemed to go better there and gives it a little more prominence at the top of the page.


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