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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Hillstomping Update: Mt. Moosilaukee Moonwalk

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Gorgeous hike with the Oz Man up Mt. Moosilaukee. Up and back via the Glen Cliff Trail. Only saw one other pair of hikers today and they turned back before reaching the summit. Too bad because it was one of those days on the summit that was so beautiful it was surreal.

Turn your speakers up and check out the slideshow. Best viewed in full screen mode. Enjoy!

<img src="http://cdn-3-service.phanfare.com/images/external/4169021_5041669_123400833_WebSmall_3/0_0_dba7a19992c27632fff86eac43c751c2_1">


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Very nice! So peaceful - Did Ozman find him any Rabbits?

  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


He always looks for 'em and we did see tracks. On a different hike, a few days ago, he took off through the woods after a pack of deer. Didn't even look back when I called. I just sat down on the trail and waited for him to come back, like I knew he would. It was a good half hour but he made his way bounding back through the snowy woods, out of breath and wild-eyed. No blood on his mouth, though, so he must not have been a match for those deer!



Come on, he's a Shepard! He would never admit he couldn't handle deer... 'bout a hundred or a thousand or so with long bayonet-like antlers and razor sharp hooves, snorting and kicking up all that snow..devil spawned beasts from hell..naw. Once he realized he left you unguarded, he decided it was best to hurry back and protect you from those killer rabbits lurking about.

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