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Tip for removing the top panel and tub from the NEW versions of the Whirlpool Cabrio washers

Just when we were getting used to the old Whirlpool Cabrio (and Maytag Bravo and Kenmore Oasis) washers-- not liking them, mind you-- but getting used to working on this cheesy bucket of bolts, Whirlpool goes and changes the design. Two things in particular that have changed that affect how the washer is disassembled is the top panel and tub removal. Academy Fellow nickfixit explains in his own colorful way:

This isn't the normal Cabrio, this is the new version that is not a direct drive and lacks a recirculation pump. The proper removal of the top involves taking the hinge screws and other screws off the back and pulling the top forward a bit than up to clear a tab on each side. IMO it's a stupid design

The basket is removed by removing the spanner nut, its that galvanized thing maybe 2.5 inches in diameter just above where you took the 6 screws out.The original whirlpool direct drive spanner wrench will work or use a punch and hammer.

Put the 6 screws back in the basket hub before you try to pull the basket.

  1. I wish those shit heads at Whirlpool had not called this a Cabrio...it's confusing the customers, salespeople, and service staff too.


Source: Cannot release top spring clips on Whirlpool WTW5600XW0 Cabrio

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