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Diagnosing an LG washing machine that won't spin; UE and bE error codes

  john63 said:

UE: Unbalance Error

bE: Ball Sensor Error

This is an older (2005 or older) LG washer that uses a sensor mounted at the rear/back of the washer.

This washer was also intended for use on *concrete* flooring (not wood).

Unplug washer

Looking at the back of the washer---remove the access panel

On the right side---you'll notice a spring-loaded arm that is mounted on the washer "shell".

This is the BALL SENSOR.

If the tub *bumps* this sensor frequently (or severely)---an error will be displayed and the spin cycle will be aborted.

Examine the back of the washer (sheetmetal)---if it's *bent* inward---this will cause numerous false imbalance errors. It may be necessary to pull out the sheetmetal (to it's normal position).

Another option would be to remove the plastic arm assembly entirely from the back of the washer---remove a single screw that secures the black BALL SENSOR---and then secure the BALL SENSOR to the sheetmetal of the washer (may need to drill 2 holes). Use nylon wire ties to secure the BALL SENSOR in an upright/normal position (same position as it was in the bracket).

This will eliminate nuisance/triggered errors.

This BALL SENSOR was discontinued by LG in favor of a much more reliable/accurate *software* system that monitors imbalanced loads.

Buy LG washing machine parts with a 365-day return policy here ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/LG-Washing-Machine-Parts

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