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Kenmore Elite Oasis HE Washer - OL error code

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Rule out a stuck basket, spin by hand and slide up and down on shaft. This basket floats up to agitate and settles back down to spin. When in floating position the basket should not be coupled to anything, when full of water in diagnostics and agitating (C5 I think) the basket will not rotate with agitator except by slight drag from moving water. Common to get items under basket that block it from it's driven position.

Assuming that is is okay:

In order of likelihood and ease (at least to me):

--->Loose rotor bolt down below - Lean machine back to access rotor. It's the white round thing with permanent magnets inside. If rotor is not firmly bolted to shaft, pull it and examine splines in plastic, it's magnets, and look for evidence of contact with stator.

--->A loose main nut on bearing shaft or bad bearings. Above rotor and stator, you can see nut after removing rotor. Doesn't need to be super tight but should not be free either. You can usually hear bearing issues when it spins if they have progressed to this point.

--->RPS sensor issue.

Look at sticker on replacement board, what is part # on it? Color of sticker? Rev #?

Buy Cabrio / Oasis washer parts with a 365-day return policy here ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/Shop-For-Parts?RCAID=24038&searchText=cabrio+washer+parts&Search=Find+Parts

Source: Kenmore Elite Oasis HE (OL) error code


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