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Fixing a Whirlpool VM Washer that gets Stuck in the Cycle

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


This is the new Whirlpool top-loading high-efficiency washer, called the Vertical Modular Washer (VMW). The customer called in the complaint that her washer was not progressing in the cycle. Sometimes, the fix is easy... IF you understand how washers work and know what you're looking for. Watch as The Appliance Guru zeros right in on the problem with breathtaking speed.


This customer is on a well (dug well, not a drilled well) and doesn't use any sediment filters in her water supply. The hot water side is never a problem because the hot water tank acts like a settling basin. Can you imagine what the inside of that hot water tank looks like? So the solution is to install a simple sediment filter in the water supply that can be changed as needed and protects the water heater and all wet appliances.

The Appliance Guru offers fast, expert appliance repair service in New London, NH. For fast, expert appliance repair service, call 526-7129. More info at www.ApplianceGuru.com


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