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Converting Kenmore refrigerator model number to LG equivalent for Tech Info

As almost everyone with a pulse knows, Kenmore appliances aren't made by a manufacturing company called, "Kenmore." There ain't no Kenmore factory in Malaysia or anywhere else. The only thing Kenmore makes is money.

Kenmore appliances are all made by other, well-known manufacturers under contract for Kenmore. This can present a problem getting tech info, like service bulletins and manuals, for independent appliance techs. Since the technical documentation is written by the original manufacturer, you need to be able to convert the Kenmore model number into it's original manufacturer equivalent.

I recently ran into this with an LG-made Kenmore refrigerator. Chief richseattle56 explains the arcane and mysterious method for converting LG-made Kenmore appliance model numbers into their LG equivalent for purposes of finding tech info on the unit:

Here is a simple way to get LG made Kenmore Service Manuals and tech support. The LG number for the tech information is in the Kenmore model number. It is the five numbers after the first three, for instance, if the model number is 795.75202401, on the LG tech Assist site, click on Tech Publications chose Refrigerator and enter in the search box 75202 and click on search the different manuals will show up. This will give you the exact manual.

Source: Converting Kenmore refrigerator model number to LG equivalent


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