A New Trick for Frigidaire Door Boot Replacment
If you've ever tortured yourself by trying to install one of the old-style Frigidaire washer door boots, you'll be very interested in this clever, new technique developed by Academy Fellow nickfixit:
Getting the spring on the tub end of the door boot can be a real fight. The little rubber inserts they send with the boot kit isn't much help. Yesterday I tried something that worked really well. If you're familiar with the Whirlpool built front loaders, you know they have 2 styles of pumps. The pump that has the 2 mounting screws that come up through the base panel has a rubber isolation pad. Start saving these pads.
If you take that pad and cut it in half, you will end up with one piece that looks like a wide short door stop. These pieces are perfect to wedge in between the door boot and the counterweight to hold that spring in place. I made 4 of them, and it was the easiest time I ever had getting that boot installed.
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