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Troubleshooting a GE Hydrowave Top Load Washer that Won't Run

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Pretty easy to troubleshoot with a multimeter at the inverter board. On the leftmost connector, using wht/red for your neutral to the meter, you should have 120vac on the red/blk wire and the orn wire (gray on some models). Still using the wht/red for neutral, on the rightmost connector (control voltages from timer) you should get 120vac on these wires depending on mode of operation.

High speed agitate, blu and vio/wht

Low speed agitate, wht and vio/wht

High speed spin, blu and red

Low speed spin, wht and red

If you are getting the appropriate voltages for a particular mode and the motor isn't working, the motor is faulty or you have the wrong one. There are about 5 different versions of this motor/inverter and they are not interchangeable. On washers that use an electronic control board versus a timer, the control voltages are low DC levels, not line voltage. The inverter has it's own microprocessor, memory and program algorithm for operating the motor. The control voltages from the timer simply tell it what mode to begin operating in. If you are not getting the proper voltages from the timer, the timer could be faulty or you may have a faulty pressure switch or wiring/connection problem. There should be a wiring diagram behind the control panel.


Some resources from the Downloads section that'll hepya:

GE Hydrowave Washer Motor Replacement Chart

GE WASHER Hydrowave / Mode Shifter w/ LED Inverter Motor Service Manual

GE Profile Hydrowave Washers With Infusor Wash System 31-9188 Service Manual

GE Hydrowave Infusor Washer Tech Tips

GE Top Loading Hydrowave Washer Training Bulletin: Testing Procedures

To learn more about your washer or to order parts, click here.

Source: GE WBSR3140G3WW Cant get it to work.


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