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Replacing the Inner Basket and Drum Bearing in a Whirlpool Duet Washer

Brother Strath talks us through these tulips using the Whirlpool Duet washer model WFW9400SU01 as an example:

here's the short version:

- Remove everything from the tub front and back. (Shocks, hoses, pressure hose, bottom hose, ground wires, drive belt, motor, pulley - but leave the bellow still attached, just disconnect it from the washer front.)

- Pull the weights off front and back to make it lighter. (Tub's are about 53 lbs with all weights removed.)

- Lift the tub out the back (you might disconnect the top brace that holds the valves and lift it up to make it easier.)

- With a Sharpie, mark where the clips are on both halves.

- Remove all the clips and separate out.

- If you are doing this because of a bad bearing, you have to replace the rear tub as well.

- Don't forget to gob up the new bearing with the supplied grease ... and don't forget the new gasket that goes between the tubs

- Put the halves back together - you may have to pinch them together with Channel Locs to get the first couple of clips back in place

- Reassemble

- Double check that all hoses have been connected before testing.

Beer time.


Inner Basket

Rear Drum with Bearing

To learn more about your washer or to order parts, click here.

Source: model # wfw9400su01

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