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How to Find the Right Parts for Your Appliances and Where to Buy Them

If you're looking for an appliance part, use the Appliantology parts search box at the top and bottom of every page on this web site. All parts ordered through the links and search boxes at this site come with a one year return policy, even on electrical parts and circuit boards. Here's the story of someone searching for a part who was right here at Appliantology and could have quickly found what she needed by using the parts search box. Heads up to the wise!

Your Name: Mari

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Talk to the Samurai: Hello Samurai,

It seems I have that "infamous and failure-prone adaptive defrost control board" for Jenn-Air JCD2389GEW as pictured here on your website. It has the same numbers #P19-399# SIEBE APPLIANCE CONTROLS 1996. It also has various other numbers such as MAYT78245.001, ECD#100-01103-01, 20R1448-00, 60727Q, AJW4212, JWIFSN, 062707367, and also THAILAND. I would like to know which part I would need to replace this part. My "original" still keeps the freezer and ice-maker working properly, fans are turning, and refrigerator section is cool, although probably not cool enough, but it does not defrost itself. I have to manually defrost every morning and evening to keep it going. There are so many of these Part #61005988 offered for sale at a great variety of pricing, so I don't know which to choose, as they all claim to be #61005988. I contacted Jenn-Air and was told that mine was Part #61003990. I tried ordering an inexpensive generic part #61003990/#61005988, but that didn't function at all, and did not operate my fridge at all; total waste of time and effort. I had to reinstall my original part; I have no difficulty installing the part, as I know how to do it, and I am proficient at it! I guess I need an "original", but I don't know where to obtain one. Perhaps a more expensive OEM part #61005988 would work, but now I'm almost afraid to try again. The part I tried had a number on it #MA7700112254-TH#. I assume that the "TH" stands for Thailand. It certainly DIDN'T have the #61003990 or #61005988 on it. I DON’T WANT THAT PART AGAIN! It is confusing to have all these products available with the same part number and a wide variety of different prices. I've seen so-called brand new items like this for as low as $19.95. I would appreciate your input. I need a "working" part, not a make-believe part, to waste my time and effort. WHY are there so many different prices on this item???? DOES the price affect the “workability” of the product???? WHICH PART NUMBER SHOULD I ASK FOR???? I look forward to your response. THANK YOU MOST KINDLY,

Regards, Mari

Dear Mari, O dear, dear Mari,

The solution to your dilemma was staring you in the face the whole time you were at this site when you sent me your email posted above! At both the top and bottom of every page on this site, you'll see conspicuous parts search boxes where you can enter a model number, part number, type of appliance, brand, or even a part description. There's even one right here in this blog at the top of the right-hand column!

In your case, you already knew not just the model number of your refrigerator, but the part numbers for the ADC board, too. If you paste in each of the part numbers you were wondering about, 61003990 and 61005988, one at a time into the parts search box, you'll see that they both resolve to the same part number: 61005988.

Here's the replacement ADC board you need for your Jenn-Air fridge:

ADC Board


I can't emphasize enough what a powerful tool the parts search boxes are at this site!

Now for the question about where to buy the part. You also mentioned buying generic parts. One word of advice on buying generic parts: DON'T! I explain why in this issue of our award-winning newsletter, Appliantology: The Oracle of Appliance Enlightenment.

BTW, if you're not a subscriber to our newsletter, Appliantology, you're missing out! Every issue is jam-packed with Special Samurai Secrets ™ for saving money, life, and limb with your appliances. Taunt your friends and delight your enemies with your amazing new knowledge! And best of all, it's FREE! Subscribe to Appliantology today.

Another thing to keep in mind is that all parts purchased through this website carry a one year no-hassle return policy, even electrical parts that have been installed! It's insane!

Also, when you buy parts through the links and search boxes on this site, a small percentage of your purchase goes to supporting this website without costing you one penny more for the parts you order. So, if you’re going to order appliance parts anyway, how ’bout using the links on this website to ensure that the Samurai will be here the next time you need appliance repair help? Can I hear an "Amen?"


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