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Maintenance Kit for the Newer-Style Frigidaire-built Dryer (also sold under the GE brand)

One of the little secrets in the appliance manufacturing world is that the manufacturers will often build appliances for each other. One example of this is certain models of GE dryers are actually built by Frigidaire but sold under the GE label.

There are two maintenance kits out there for Frigidaire-built dryers:

- part number 5304461262 for the older-style units and

- part number 5304457724 for the newer-style units.

What's the difference? Click each of the links and above and carefully examine the photos of the parts included with each kit and try to spot the difference.

Give up? Okay, Brother vee8power, one of the wise and esteemed Master Appliantologists here at the Academy, explains the difference:

Looking at the parts breakdown for that model, it looks to me like the correct maintenance kit for your dryer is this one


Notice in the picture that the upper felt does not have the three plastic glides. That's because the plastic glide on your dryer is attached to the drum, it is the newer design.

The 5304461262 mentioned above is for the older design, with no plastic glide on the front of the drum.

Another thing worth noting is that this is a GE brand dryer but it is built by Frigidaire. The part #'s for the kits are Frigidaire numbers. You won't find them on the parts breakdown for a GE.

Knowing how parts interchange is one way us professionals can save our customers, and our fellow forum members, some dough.

BTW... gas coils... Whirlpool, GE, an Frigidaire all have part numbers for exactly the same part. Guess which one is Generally most Expensive

To learn more about your dryer or to order parts, click here.

Source: Squeeky GE Profile gas dryer model #DPXH46GF


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