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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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A cautionary PSA for Grasshoppers undertaking microwave oven repair

This Public Service Announcement is brought to you by Brother PDuff:

I'm reminded of one time, a fellow tech and myself were at the shop. He was working on a large countertop microwave and I was down the hall in the front office. We could see each other and were carrying on a conversation, I forget about what. I'm absolutely positive he had a few fillings in his mouth because as he was looking and talking to me his hand must have touched the high voltage diode or capacitor, discharging it. I kid you not sparks flew out of his open mouth! Being the trained and responsible guy I am I immediately fell to the floor, laughing my ass off. I eventually recovered and asked him if was ok and he said yes, just scared the hell out of him. I said, "Man, did you see sparks fly out of your mouth?" He said no, he must have missed that. Needless to say we both found new respect for microwaves and the awesome, dangerous, and sometimes hilarious power of the high voltage capacitor.

To learn more about your microwave oven or to buy parts, click here.

Source: Im DUMB and need help on Kitchenaid Microwave khms2040wss-0

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