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Service Pointer: Whirlpool - Kitchenaid dishwasher runs partway thru cycle, cancel-drains then shuts off

This is a tricky one and can bite you in the rumpus if you don't know about this quiet little Whirlpool Service Pointer on this problem that Brother Chat_in_FL snagged and posted for us:

Service Pointer


Serial Numbers: F032 to F105

Customer Concern:

Dishwasher stops approximately 10 minutes into the cycle, “cancel drains” and goes directly to standby mode (off).


Testing has determined that cycle stopping may result from a software error that can cause a false error code that cancels the cycle. Techs will see a 6-1 error code recorded in service diagnostics. This issue is very sporadic, and is affected by the location of the household and region of the country. Other conditions that may also cause this “cancel drain” cycle are: siphoning through the drain hose, severe sudsing, and debris in the sump.


If the customer experiences a “cancel drain” issue, first check the following:

1. Make sure the dishwasher is installed according to installation instructions provided with the unit.

2. Check for water siphoning out through the drain hose. Ensure that the drain hose end termination point is above the water level in the tub. The drain loop attached to the side of the tub is not sufficient to prevent siphoning.

3. Check for severe sudsing or a malfunctioning Rinse Aid dispenser.

4. Check for locked rotor in wash pump.

5. Check for and remove debris in the bottom of the sump/chopper area.

6. Check for water supply and proper water level in the dishwasher.

7. If all the above checks are OK, then the control will need to be replaced with one that has the upgraded software designed to handle any additional power variation. See chart below for part numbers. Testing has determined that cycle stopping may result from a software error that can cause a false error code that cancels the cycle. Techs will see a 6-1 error code recorded in service diagnostics. This issue is very sporadic, and is affected by the location of the household and region of the country. Other conditions that may also cause this “cancel drain” cycle are: siphoning through the drain hose, severe sudsing, and debris in the sump.

Replace with Part Number


Revised control board: http://www.repaircli...0380685/1938381

Source: Kitchenaid Dishwasher KUDS30IXBL0 runs partway thru cycle then cancels & drains


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