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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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A warning about buying cheap appliance parts from Amazon or Ebay

Like to shop around Amazon or Ebay for cheap stuff, including appliance parts? Did you know that you may be buying either cheap Chinese knock-off parts or used parts? Do these parts come with a one year replacement or refund warranty? No? Hmm... did you know that all parts purchased here at Appliantology.org are new, OEM parts that can be returned for a refund or replacement for 1 year, including electrical parts like circuit boards that have already been installed? Yeah, I know, it's insane! Yet, some people think they're being clever and saving a couple of shekels by purchasing parts through Amazon or Ebay. Here's a typical story of how that works out for people:

This guy comes here to Appliantology and gets free repair help. We link him to the genuine, new, OEM replacement part that comes with the 1 year return/refund policy. Does he buy the part through the link we provided? Noooo! He saved one and a half shekels buying it through some hack shop vendor of cheap Chinese knock-off parts on Amazon. Let's see how that worked out for him...

Sad news... I replaced the door latch assembly and the problem persists.

As soon as it starts draining after the rinse cycle, the "no spin" light comes on. When it's done draining, the washer shuts off.

Any other ideas?

Seems like a bad door latch assembly. Did you buy it through our part link here or somewhere else?

I bought it through Amazon from Carribean Appliance. They have good ratings and it sounds like they will replace the part without issue, but what a pain in the neck.

They sold you either a generic knockoff (did not come in a blue Electrolux bag) or a used door switch.

People give them a good rating because they don't know the difference between new OEM parts and generic knockoffs and don't think it matters. Your experience is one example of why it does matter.

I wouldn't trust any of the parts vendors on Amazon because you don't know what you're getting despite what's written on the product description page. Here's my experience with that: http://ymlp.com/zsTPYA

All the part links on this site are to new, OEM genuine replacement parts and are guaranteed for 1 year.

they will replace the part without issue, but what a pain in the neck.

Precisely. That's why it's false economy to buy generic knock-off parts from vendors on Amazon or Ebay. "Penny-wise and dollar-dumb," and my master taught me. You'll end up fixing it twice and paying in both time and aggra-dollars.

Don't suffer the sad fate of this poor schlep: only buy new, OEM parts, preferably from the people who are helping you troubleshoot and fix your appliance!

Source: washes, tumbles, rinses, drains, but NO final spin.

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The best parts being installed with the best tools leads to the best repairs which is a maxim understood by the best techs.

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I was just giving a quote to a home warranty company for a refrigerator repair and when I gave the price of a thermostat I was told that they could get it for less than half.  I told them to get it and ship it to me and I would install it.  They finally agreed to have me order it.  I wondered where they could get one that cheap and found it on ebay.

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Manufacturers are putting cheaper parts in their appliances these days. Just imagine the reliability or unreliability of a part that is a knockoff of a cheap part.

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