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Tips for getting the best results from your LG washer-dryer combo

Brother john63, the Dean of LG Appliantology, offers some pearls of wisdom for getting the best results from those LG washer-dryer combo units:

Provide your customer with the following information---and they'll be more informed as to how best to use the combo washer/dryer.

Use ONLY "HE" type detergent in the following dosage (for this small-size tub):

HE (regular concentration): (1) Tablespoon Per Wash

HE 2X (double concentrated): (1) Teaspoon Per Wash

HE 3X (triple concentrated): ***NOT RECOMMENDED***

Remind the customer *not* to load the washer tub past the ***black hash mark*** that is located on a sticker/emblem---on the left side of the door/tub opening.

A fully loaded tub will *wash* fine---as long as the clothing is not compressed/pushed into the tub but---the laundry will not dry very well (taking up to 6 hours to dry laundry).

Advise the customer to select/use the TIME DRY dryer cycle rather than *automatic*.

They will need to select the desired cycle RUN TIME for the dry cycle.

After a month or so of using the TIME DRY cycle---the customer will become familiar with the amount of time needed to adequately dry an average-size or type of laundry load.

Using the TIME DRY cycle in a combo unit---eliminates/avoids using the dual THERMISTORS that are located on the DUCT ASSY.

This also allows for a higher temperature during the dry cycle (laundry dries faster).

Use the *automatic* dryer cycles for Delicates only.

Armed with all of this *very* relevant information---the customer becomes less frustrated/more relieved---that not only do they have far better *intel* on their particular combo---but that you ACTUALLY CARED to inform/educate them about it.

It's best to write this down and give it to the customer.

It's *impossible* for the average customer to *memorize* all of this:)

Good Luck.

Source: LG washer dryer combo

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Tone Blair


HE (regular concentration): (1) Tablespoon Per Wash - I thought a tablespoon was more than a teaspoon??

HE 2X (double concentrated): (1) Teaspoon Per Wash - Teaspoon???

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