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Dryer Auto Dry cycle not working - a simple fix using the Dean's Method

Most dryers have an Auto Dry cycle where it sense the dryness of the clothes and adjusts the cycle time accordingly. Sometimes, clothes will stop drying properly on the Auto Dry cycle but still dry normally on the Timed Dry cycle. Brother john63, the Dean of LG Appliantology, has developed a simple procedure to correct this problem and it works on all brands and models of dryers with an Auto Dry feature.

Reading material:)...

The complaint was identical:

"Laundry doesn't always dry" (and the vent system was ruled-out)

The responses were similar:

"Avoid small loads in dryers that have/use MOISTURE SENSORS"


"For small loads---use the TIME DRY cycle"

There is a solution---and it's a very simple one.

Some years back---I had an older lady (widow)---that contacted us regarding her LG dryer.

Her complaint was that the laundry was not dry at the end of the cycle.

Also---the cycle run time/duration was rather short (cycle ended far earlier than initial time displayed).

In her case---she does not wash/dry large loads at all---and rarely does she even have medium sized loads to wash.

On LG dryers---the MOISTURE SENSOR ("bars") are located at the front of the dryer---on the LINT FILTER HOUSING.

If the dryer is dead-level---which hers was---a small load of laundry will tumble in the GIANT DRUM and very erratically come into contact with the MOISTURE SENSOR.

By raising the REAR LEVELING LEGS about an inch---this forced the tumbling small load of laundry to remain at the *front* of the dryer---continually falling/contacting the MOISTURE SENSOR.

On dryers (other brands) in which the sensors are positioned at the rear/back of the drum---simply raise the *front* leveling legs to get the same result.

Technicians can demonstrate to the customer by running the dryer with 2 or 3 small pieces of clothing---laundry will either tumble at the rear of the drum or near the center (in an LG dryer--for example).

Explain to the customer---the MOISTURE SENSORs function and that wet/damp laundry *must* continually come into contact with the sensor (show the customer the location of the sensor).

After adjusting the legs---the customer/owner will notice the laundry moving toward the SENSOR location within 30 seconds of starting the cycle---and remain at that location in the drum for the duration of the cycle.

Dry laundry.

Problem solved smile.png

Source: Samsung Dryer DV350AEW/XAA auto dry not working

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