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Every day should be a day of thanksgiving

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


It's interesting how just finding the little things to be thankful for each day can transform our outlook and affect everything about us-- our mood, attitude, memory, even our health. Sometimes, I lose sight of that in my day-to-day struggles and get bogged down in tedious things or things that are not uplifting or beneficial. Or I focus and dwell on things that give me tension or irritation.

That's why I'm glad there's a special day just for giving thanks-- it's a reminder that everyday should be a small thanksgiving. Even if only for one or two things. The more you look, the more you find.

I hope and pray that this is an especially blessed Thanksgiving Day for you.

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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Thank you, Scott.


As Americans, we really do have a whole lot to be thankful for.


I wish you and your family a blessed day also.


Now let's eat!

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Samurai Appliance Repair Man



Now let's eat!



I'll drink to that!  

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