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New and Improved Appliantology Membership Packages

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


In my ever-evolving quest to offer my users the very best online appliance repair help and information experience, I've improved the membership packages available here at Appliantology.

The free Grasshopper package will continue to be available as is. But the Apprentice and Professional Appliantologist packages have been upgraded and, incredibly, made even better... as if that was even possible, right?

For starters, the free Apprenticeship package using the Facebook coupon promotion has ended. It was starting to take up too much of my time going back and forth with people because they couldn't figure out how to do a screenshot, or share the coupon on their Facebook wall, or whatever. Then I had people who had gotten the free Apprenticeship complaining about the file download quotas or outright lying about how much they downloaded (as if I can't check that). And I wanna send out a special thanks to all the folks who sent me nasty, snarky emails because I was using Facebook for the free deal. Bless their hearts!

So, like Daniel in Babylon, I saw the writing on the wall and realized the free Apprenticeship deal had become a time-sucking, headache-inducing liability that seemed to bring out the worst in people. Yea verily, it's outta here. Now it's time to focus on bringing even more awesomeness to the Apprentice and Appliantologist programs!

Both the Apprenticeship and Professional Appliantologist packages have been upgraded in every way imaginable!

Apprentice Package: The download quotas for files from the vast and ever-growing library of technical documents in the Downloads section have increased FROM 3 files/day, 6/week, 9/month TO 4/day, 8/week, and a whopping 20/month! It is still not auto-renewing because it's intended for DIYers who probably just need help on a pressing problem or two at home and then they're done with appliance repair until the next thing breaks. But you can manually renew as often as you like. The fee on the Apprenticeship package has increased by a mere $2, from $10 to $12, for the same two-month term.

Professional Appliantologist Package: The download quotas have also been increased FROM 10 files/day, 20/week, 80/month TO 15/day, 30/week, and an incredible, eye-popping 100/month! It still includes access to the world-famous and coveted Repair Manual Stash™. The Professional Appliantologist package is an auto-renewing subscription package because, as the name implies, it's intended for techs who fix appliances for a living and so would need on-going repair help either in the forums or from reference material in the Downloads section. The fee on the Professional Appliantologist package has increased by 10 measly beans, from $55/year to $65/year.

If you subscribed to the Professional Appliantologist package at the old price of $55/year, your annual subscription fee will not change as long as you do not cancel your subscription. And you still get the benefit of the increased file download quotas. How's that for value?

I'm always looking for ways to increase value for my valued users here at Appliantology and, with your help, will continue to improve the premiere appliance repair resource on the web!

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Recommended Comments



Regardless of the package it is an amazing bargain for an indispensable resource. Your site is truly remarkable.

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  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Made all the better by your presence, participation, and help, Brother Durham!  



Typo alert...



The fee on the Professional Appliantologist package has increased by 5 measly beans, from $55/year to $65/year.


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  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Thanks, John.  Are you referring to the word, "measly?"   I think that's the correct spelling.  



I think he means your new math...

  • Like 1
  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


DOH! Thanks, guys!



You da man



The republican term 'Fuzzy Math'?



ten is the new five



Hate Email. That's just crazy! They must not know who they were talking to.



yeah, those sumabitches, bless their hearts.

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  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


That's the ezzact clip I was thinking of when we voxed about this.  Good find!  



Very helpful and informative site

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