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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Helpful Tips and Tricks for Troubleshooting Samsung Refrigerators

Troubleshooting Samsung refrigerators can be a head-fake for Appliantologists who aren't used to some of their special quirks. If you know just a few tips, it can really facilitate your troubleshooting and even keep you from faking yourself out or running down rabbit holes.

Brother Durham has put together a short list of some very helpful tips and tricks to keep tucked into one of those cerebral creases when you're tracking down a problem in a Samsung refrigerator. Let us attend:

When you initiate a diagnostic mode or unplug a Samsung, you effectively clear any outstanding error code. More than likely it will do the same thing once it finds the error again. Prepare your customers for this eventuality and have them observe any flashing Led segments on the display

Remember the following Samsung help tips:

1) their mainboards rarely ever fail

2) A shorted or open thermistor will shut down the fridge and lock the display. The fridge may have no operation or operate in emergency mode. Not unusual after a power failure... look for a blinking segment on the display. Other errors will not lock the display. Out of calibration thermistors will not show up as an error.

3) check for displayed diagnostic code before unplugging fridge or entering diagnostic mode. Unplugging the fridge starts a self diagnosis but will take 5 hours for any error code to reappear so always manually diagnose fridge before unplugging.

Buy parts for your Samsung refrigerator here: http://www.repairclinic.com/Samsung-Refrigerator-Parts

All come with a 365-day, no-hassle Return Policy: http://www.repairclinic.com/Layer/Return-Policy

Source: RS2555SL Dead after regional power failure. Now only lights working.


Recommended Comments

Sunlight Appliance


Good. Good.



Don't forget to check your thermistors BEFORE you open any of the doors. This way you will get the most accurate reading!!!



Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that applies to an ice room door or for issues dealing with an icemaker.

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