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ASTI 2014, Evernote Edition

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Well, mah bruvahs, heading out on that big ol' jet airliner from Logan tomorrow afternoon making that long haul to San Diego for the 2014 ASTI. Looking forward to seeing some of you there and will miss those of you who can't make it this year.

For my absentee brethren, the Samurai's got your six! I'll be taking copious notes and will post them all as PDFs in the Downloads section when I return. Additionally, if any of you have any specific questions you'd like me to ax the instructors, please post them as comments to this blog post (so I can keep them all in one place and make sure I get them asked).

Also, one more goodie: I'll be posting various highlight notes and photos from the conference to a public Evernote notebook. You can check in periodically to see what's new as the conference progresses. Access the Evernote ASTI notebook here: https://www.evernote.com/pub/zenzoidman/asti2014


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Questions for LG Laundry Instructor(s)...


Is there a *definitive* resolution for the LG top load washer (excluding the WT5001/5101 models) problem of...


1) Frequent "uE" and "UE" / Long Cycle Run Times  / Frequent re-fill of water


2) What is the specific reason for the LG Tech Center recommendation to replace the STATOR and ROTOR for the above symptom (which has largely been ineffective at resolving the "uE/UE" complaints).


3) What amount of water (quantity) is normal in the LG top load washers for each cycle (Normal/P Press etc)---and why is that data/info "secret"?


Good Luck :)

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What's up with these dual evap Ge fridges where ff section temp is slightly elevated, condensation on the wall between the ff and freezer and nothing, including changing thermistors, fans, ice ball issue seems to fix the problem?

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Thank you Scott---LG Tech did not at any time recommend replacing the DISPLAY board for non-WT5001/5101 washers (those models were to be uploaded with new software with a "jig").


Next time we'll try replacing the Stator/Rotor *and* the Display Board on all other top loading LG models with the above mentioned symptoms:)



I was told through email from GE's last trainer that the ff evap cover and fan came as a kit and that was the problem. I have been unsuccessful in finding a part number for that kit. Can you track it down?



Just read the latest on Friday's training notes.


My head is beginning to spin with all of the data/information...

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