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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Is the Samurai Appliance Tech Boot Camp Fundamentals Course Right for You?

Since opening the Samurai Appliance Tech Boot Camp Fundamentals of Appliance Repair course up for general enrollment, I've gotten emails from techs with experience ranging from rookies (less than two years in the trade) to seasoned techs with over five years in the trade all trying to assess one thing: whether or not the Fundamentals course is right for them given their knowledge and experience.

Obviously, I can't speak to your knowledge or experience because it's not something that I have any first-hand knowledge of myself. I can, however, give you an idea of what the Boot Camp teaches in the form of a self-evaluation quiz that you can use to see what you know relative to what Boot Camp graduates learn and know. You can get this in our Sample course.

Just log in to ApplianceTechBootCamp.com and click the "Sample" tab in the upper menu. Once in the Sample course, click the "Sample Course Self-Assessment Exam” unit link in Module 2. But, again, you must be logged in at the Boot Camp site or the link will not be clickable.

Also, please note that your login at the Boot Camp site (ApplianceTechBootCamp.com) and this site (Appliantology.org) are different because they are two completely different websites running two different software packages and with two different registrations.

Based on the outcome of the exam, you can do an honest self-assessment of your skills to determine whether or not the Boot Camp would benefit you.


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