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Dielectric Grease: Myths and Reality

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


There's a lot of misinformation and mythology out there in the tech community about the use of dielectric grease on electrical connections. Some techs, knowing that the word "dielectric" refers to an electrically insulating material, mistakenly conclude that dielectric grease should never be used on electrical connections. This is based on a misunderstanding about how dielectric grease works.

Dielectric grease has two main properties that make it especially desirable specifically for use on electrical connections, especially in wet environments such as refrigerators and washing machines. In fact, this is its primary intended design use. Those properties are:

1. Low viscosity. This means that the grease will readily get out of the way of two metal contacts touching each other and flow around the contacts giving rise to the second desirable properly...

2. Sealant effect. As the dielectric grease flows around the contacts, it seals out moisture and oxygen preventing them from reaching the contacts and causing corrosion and/or oxidation.

Still don't believe me? How about Frigidaire tech bulletin RF1207:

Recommendation for Use of Dielectric Grease on French Door Models with Bullet-Style FFIM (RF1207)

Water intrusion into electrical connections within the FFIM causes intermittent interruption of ice production and melting of ice in the bin.

Symptoms: No ice in FF

Ice melting in the ice bin while FFIM is

turned on

Models Affected: All ICON, Electrolux and Frigidaire models with Bullet-Style FFIM

Solution: Use dielectric grease Part number: 5304485963

Part number: 5304485963

to improve electrical connections inside the FFIM. Application is recommended on EEV, TH3, TH1 and fan connectors, however it can also be used on any connector within the FFIM assembly. In general, if all diagnostics pass and the unit has 8.1/8.5 FFIM board yet the unit is either not producing or not maintaining ice, water intrusion into electrical connection can be suspected and dielectric grease may resolve the problem.

Bulletin is in the Downloads section here, starting on page 1-5.

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Good stuff! I have thought of using it on the connectors involed in F28 serial connentions issues on Duets washers.  If understand this correctly it would help. Is that correct?

  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Absolutely! Just be sure to clean the connections as best you can first.

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