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Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 6

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


In this life-changing episode of Master Samurai Tech Radio, Samurai and the Mrs. talk about all kinds of things appliantological.


Due to the overwhelming response we've gotten the last few days, we've extended our Labor Day tuition discount on all courses and bundles at the Samurai Tech Academy thru Sunday, 9/13! Coupon code: LABORDAY2015. Enroll here: http://mastersamuraitech.com/online-enrollment/


Industry News: we talk about the international appliance brand Beko - number one in the UK - that plans to enter the American market soon. The Turks are coming!!


Appliantology News: Check out this great post on laundry detergents--HE, non-HE, and Eco: http://appliantology.org/blog/20/entry-861-the-importance-of-high-efficiency-soaps-in-modern-washers/ The difference is critical for a professional tech to know! Learn how when it comes to molecules, being bipolar is a good thing. Also - helpful tips for the helpful techs who answer questions over at Appliantology.org - dealing with the different types grasshoppers.


MST News: an appliance repair veteran reveals how MST training helped him earn even more money.


Tech Talk: Voltage sag - the cause of a mysterious rash of failures in a Whirlpool VM washer. What is it? Is is the same as voltage drop? (NO!)


And, a new feature--a segment on Soft Skills! Samurai and the Mrs. discuss the sensitive issue of how to handle dog problems on your service calls.


Listen here or subscribe on iTunes or Android.



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Finally found time to listen to these. Lots of good information here! I just saw that episode 7 was posted, so I'm looking forward to listening to that one as well!

Oh, and I definitely got the star trek reference. :)

Thank you for doing these.

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  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Glad you're enjoying them! Thanks for listening.

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