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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Labor Day Discount on all Appliance Repair Courses Extended Through This Weekend!

We were blown away by the phenomenal response to our Labor Day 10% discount special! We had lots of people taking advantage of the discount to pick up the course bundles. This is a smart move! The courses you enroll in are yours for life so why not go ahead and lock in the savings now while you can?


We also had lots of returning Fundamentals students taking advantage of the Labor Day special by enrolling in other courses such as Refrigerators or Advanced Schematics. We love seeing this because it means we're doing something right! People are learning valuable technical skills and making more money on service calls. That's exactly why we say, "Learn more, earn more."


Since so many folks jumped on the Labor Day coupon, we're extending the tuition discount through this weekend. Any late-comers now have some time to pick the course or course bundle they need and get 10% off the tuition. This is your week to unlock your full potential as an appliance repair tech!


Use coupon code LABORDAY2015 to get 10% off any STA course when you enroll: http://mastersamuraitech.com/online-enrollment/


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