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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 12 [Special Video Edition]

Samurai Appliance Repair Man



Industry Talk:
- BSH- what's the "H" stand for?
- Charge your smart phone from your refrigerator *wirelessly* with WattUp technology.


Master Samurai Tech news:
- New post on how loose electrical connections, like splices and terminals, can produce enough heat to burn wires and insulation. http://mastersamuraitech.com/loose-electrical-connections-and-heat/
- Recapping the dismal and outdated state of appliance repair training today. YouTube makes hands-on disassembly training obsolete. What we need today is BRAINS-ON training! Learning the theory of operation and the underlying technology in modern appliances today so you can figure out weird problems without relying pattern recognition-- if this problem, replace that part. Real technicians today are skilled in the lost art of troubleshooting: following a cause and effect chain of reasoning to its logical conclusion and identifying a the defective component that is no longer operating within specifications.


Business Talk:
- How do you handle a service call where there was no problem found?


Tech Talk:
- Troubleshooting scenario: electric dryer element not getting hot. Good power supply. Known good element. Element connected: have 120vac from each end to N but 0vac across the element terminals. What conclusion can you draw? Voltage vs. voltage drop; 120/240 single phase-split phase household electrical power supplies; loads in series.


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  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


The solution is too visual to come across well in a podcast. There is a lesson for Professional Appliantologists to learn associated with this tech sheet that is worth discussing. That we shall do. Domo for the suggestion, mah bruvah!

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