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New and Improved Download Program for Chief Appliantologists

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


We’ve had to make some adjustments to our server because our server resources were being pushed to the max. It was getting to the point that it was affecting the stability and performance of the server. And it was affecting Professional Appliantologist users who pay an annual fee to support the site.


When server resources get limited, you can do one of two things:
1. get a bigger server
2. allocate server resources among users


We did the bigger server thing a few years ago and, while it helped a lot for a while, we're maxing out again. We just can't afford any more server hardware right now so that leaves us with managing server resources.


Our server hosts several busy Samurai sites, including Appliantology.org and the Samurai Tech Academy. To ensure a fast and stable user experience for all users on all sites, limited computer resources need to be allocated appropriately among the various user groups. There are basically three ways to accomplish this:


1. Limit file download count: x number of files over a given period of time
2. Limit bandwidth: the total amount of data transferred over a given period of time
3. Limit file transfer rate: the rate at which data is downloaded from the server


We implemented file download count limits back in March 2015. But file download count limits have two big problems:


1. inconveniences legacy members
2. does not directly address the problem of allocating limited server resources


So we tried bandwidth limits. But that prevented downloading very large files. Not an ideal solution, either.


Then we realized the perfect solution: limit file transfer rates! Limiting file transfer speeds allows downloads of any size file. The limitation is now properly placed on server resources, as it should be, not on file access.


This means that our valued legacy members, Chief Appliantologists, have no limits on download count! We are thrilled that we have found a way to offer access to the entire, ever-growing library of tech sheets and service manuals.


The downsides to the new file transfer rate limits are longer download times and only one download at a time (no simultaneous downloads)-- a regrettable inconvenience but one that is also avoidable. If you’d like to reduce your download time and download multiple file simultaneously (in essence, buy more server resources) you can upgrade your membership to Professional Appliantologist: http://appliantology.org/store/


We're pleased that we can offer file downloads to our Professional Appliantologist members with unrestricted file transfer rates, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited download count, and unlimited simultaneous downloads (in addition to lots of other perks).

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I feel that you have not held up to your original agreement for people like me that paid for a life time membership. Even though we can access files to download, the speed at which we can have been reduced from what they where when we paid for our membership. That my friend is not fair. When i signed up my membership money was valuable and needed by you that is why you made the offer and I paid more for a life time membership.Now you make statements that paying members are more valuable so they keep the transfer rates the same. I feel you have turned your back on the very members who at the time paid more more to support this web site. You think this is the right approach to solving your problem when I know there are not many lifetime members to begin with and with so few of us this problem is not going away. You cant be that desperate that you are going after the life timers who once supported this web site. Not doing the right thing leads to bad things. I always felt that is how you conducted business. Doing the right thing. Thank You.  



Example story as to why this is wrong. I go to an apartment building to look at apartment to rent. I check everything out including the water at the faucet & toilets and the water is flowing out nicely. I sign a life time agreement to rent the apartment. One year later I notice the water is hardly coming out of the faucet & toilets. I complain to the owner and he says he turned down the water pressure to my apartment because the building has more tenants and the plumbing system cant handle it even after an upgrade. The water pressure was only turned down in apartments that where paying or paid less rent. The newer tenants have normal pressure because they pay more rent and the owner cant afford to loose them.   

  • Team Samurai
Mrs. Samurai


I'm sorry that we haven't helped you to understand why we have had to make adjustments to our site in order to ensure that Appliantology continues to be a valuable and powerful information tool to professional appliance technicians even in the face of rising costs and changing conditions, while still honoring our older lifetime members.


We have not taken away your ability to download as many files as you want from the Download section. You still have unlimited file download counts and bandwidth. Only the speed at which those files download has been changed.


Lifetime memberships were offered at a time when the vast majority of support for the site came from parts sales, NOT from memberships. Those sales went sharply downward starting in 2012 (due to increased competition from other sites and especially Amazon / eBay), and we ended our lifetime memberships because we could see that the site would not be able to support itself without annual memberships and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions.


Now you make statements that paying members are more valuable so they keep the transfer rates the same. 


No, we are saying that the paying members are are what makes it possible to have a powerful server that can handle all the current resource demands of our downloads section in order for it to continue to be a useful resource for ALL of our members. And it is only logical that someone paying $109 per year should have a faster service over someone who paid a one-time fee of less than $100 almost 4 years ago.


All of our members are valuable, but there has to be a way to allocate resources based on how much money or time our members give to the site. Otherwise, why would anyone pay more? Many lifetime members have, thankfully, upgraded their memberships to Professional Appliantologist, which is why Appliantology continues to be a growing, strong resource even with the downturns and challenges of a changing market in parts sales.


And our lifetime members who have not made that switch continue to be valued and to benefit from the ongoing participation of paying members.

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  • Team Samurai
Mrs. Samurai


Example story as to why this is wrong. I go to an apartment building to look at apartment to rent. I check everything out including the water at the faucet & toilets and the water is flowing out nicely. I sign a life time agreement to rent the apartment. One year later I notice the water is hardly coming out of the faucet & toilets. I complain to the owner and he says he turned down the water pressure to my apartment because the building has more tenants and the plumbing system cant handle it even after an upgrade. The water pressure was only turned down in apartments that where paying or paid less rent. The newer tenants have normal pressure because they pay more rent and the owner cant afford to loose them.   


This analogy would only come close to working if the landlord put in a much bigger and better water delivery system after ending the lifetime offerings, and only the tenants paying the current rate had access to it at full capacity. 


Our lifetime agreement promised access, not speed. We continue to honor the access that was promised. Given the growth of the site (funded by our annual members) over the last couple of years, including a download section bigger than we could have imagined even just a few years ago, I'd say you and the other "lifetimers" got an extremely good deal!

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If your promise is access, explain to me why I can not download files today  I E-mailed Scott and filled out a contact form to complain about this problem and I have not heard from you. This comes after I had no access to downloads for 12 days.  Is this your way to get me to sign up for a paying membership?  

  • Team Samurai
Mrs. Samurai


I just asked our IT guy about this (yes, we even have to pay another person to help us run this site, it has gotten so much busier and more complicated as we've improved it) and he said that if you tried to upload more than one file at a time, or canceled a download while it was in progress, it may take a bit of time to reset. He's not sure how long - hours? Perhaps it will be ready by tomorrow morning. 


We have not heard from any other users recently of any other issues with downloads, btw.


We've worked with you previously to get you cleared when we put the bandwidth restrictions in place. We were responsive when it was clear that was not an ideal way to deal with server allocation and quickly made changes. 


We are not trying to coerce anyone to do anything. As this site has grown as a resource for professional techs, as we've devoted more of our resources towards it, we have simply offered several paths for our users. Our older "lifetime" members have evaluated how they use Appliantology and made decisions based on that. Many have opted for the Professional membership because they rely on it frequently for their business and value what it has become. Many use it lightly and are content to continue with their old membership. Still others contribute to the community enough (via forum posts) that they get a free Appliantology Fellow membership.

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I thank you for your response. You wont be hearing from me anymore, this has taken up to much of my time and energy. I will have to think about upgrading my membership.  



I am stunned that "Totalpro" is complaining about a membership of $109 a year. Geeze. The information I get from my membership paid for that measly $109 the first day. The information I get is so valuable. He can't see the forest for the trees "An expression used of someone who is too involved in the details of a problem to look at the situation as a whole". Forget about it. Dont waste your time on that one. Keep up the fantastic work! Thank you for all you do for us. I would be SOL without you! Seriously SOL!!!

Ms Ann

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