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Testing the pressure sensor in a GE Harmony washer

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Pressure Sensor Test

If the pressure sensor is not operating correctly, perform the following test:

1. Set the wash cycle to SNEAKERS.

This cycle bypasses the load sensing feature and defaults to the minimum water level.

2. Measure the water level from the center hub of the infusor

(it should be approximately 2 inches deep in the tub).

3. Set the washer to COMFORTER.

This cycle bypasses the load sensing feature and defaults to the maximum water level.

4. Measure the water level from the center hub of the infusor

(it should be approximately 11 inches deep in the tub).

Note: Before disconnecting the hose from the pressure sensor,

be sure the water level is below the bottom of the spin basket.

To remove the pressure sensor:

1. Remove the 2 Phillips head screws that hold the Backsplash in place.

2. Place a towel over the lid of the washer to prevent scratches to the surface.

Gently lift each corner of the backsplash, then roll it forward so it rests on top of the washer.

3. Remove the 3 Phillips head screws that hold protective cover in place.

4. Disconnect wiring to the pressure sensor.

5. The pressure sensor is held in place by 3 tabs.

With a flat blade screwdriver, press the tabs back and lift the water level switch up and out.

6. Disconnect the clear hose from the pressure sensor.

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If the sensor tests bad, you can buy a new pressure sensor here.

Source: Ge Harmony WPGT9350C0WW pressure sensor error


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