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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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I Blinked and Missed the Server Migration!

Samurai Appliance Repair Man


That had to be the most seamless server migration I ever didn't participate in! Been having stability problems with the server that hosted this forum (RE: my last post) and complained to my host who are the same people that wrote this forum software: Invision Power Board. Yeah, I figured have the forum hosted by folks who would know the optimum server configuration to run their software.

While that may in fact be true, the reality in my case was a bit different. Another site on the server kept getting slammed with denial of service attacks which would cause this site to hang and not load in the browser.

So, after a firmly but nicely worded complaint, they told me they would move Appliantology.org to a different server. I was expecting to be posting updates on Twitter but it was done so quickly that I never had a chance to. An utterly painless and seamless server migration. Them dudes at Invision Power Board are good!

Anyway, we're on a different server now so hopefully the nuisance downtime is history.


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