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[Webinar] Open Q&A


Samurai Appliance Repair Man
Tech Training

- Professional Appliantologists, Senior Appliantology Fellows, and Legacy Tech members at Appliantology 

- Master Samurai Tech Academy students enrolled in any technical course

- Mr. Appliance® Academy students enrolled in Bundle 1

What:  Open Q&A - if you're having trouble understanding something in your coursework here at the Academy, this is a great time and place to get live help from the Samurai. If you have a specific schematic or tech sheet you'd like us to review, please send it in to me ahead of time so I can have it ready to share on the screen.

When: Monday, July 24, 2017, at 7PM Eastern Time (adjust your time zone accordingly)

Where: All of our web meetings are powered by Join.me. For the connection details, see below.

- Professional Appliantologists, Senior Appliantology Fellows, and Legacy Techs- HEADS UP:  Request an invitation by 6:30PM on the webinar date or else nolo contendre, compadre

- Master Samurai Tech Academy Students: RSVP here.

- Mr. Appliance® Academy Bundle 1 Students: RSVP here

How: Here are a couple tips to ensure that the webinars are a smooth, cool experience for you:

1. Arrive early to make sure your connection is working! Also, if you show up late for the webinar, you'll be lost.

2. Watch this ultra-short video on how to use your Join.me control console while you're in the web meeting because you're gonna wanna do cool stuff like:
- correctly connect your audio (without producing the dreaded echo!) so you and everyone else can hear what the Samurai is explaining
- mute and unmute yourself so we can keep the microphones open and we can all talk 



Recommended Comments

  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


So far, I've had lots of questions about Samsung refrigerators so we'll be spending a good chunk of time talking about them.

Richard Demint


boy have they gotten a bad rap from the tech community alone all because they do not know how to work on them. I had a customer yesterday ask me about these Samsungs and stated that both the home depot and the lowes said to stay away from them! Countless techs I talk to say they tell their customers to just go buy another one, over the phone!

It`s not hard teaching an old dog new tricks, it`s hard to get a old dog to want to learn new tricks

  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


2 hours ago, Richard Demint said:

It`s not hard teaching an old dog new tricks, it`s hard to get a old dog to want to learn new tricks

That's the sad truth. 

The sadder truth is that it's not even learning new tricks- it's learning the Fundamentals- the OLD tricks- that they never learned to begin with but were able to get by without it.

Samsung appliances work the same way and use the same technology as any other brand. But since their documentation doesn't look like Whirlpool or GE, some guys think they must be from outer space.

The guys you describe have that attitude because they are defensive about their low skill level and are intimidated by products  that could make them look inept.

I'm not singing Samsung's praises as a company or a brand- they have their issues just like any company. But their product quality is as good or better than most of the competing brands in their price point, they're gaining market share, and they're fun to work on. Good products for a tech to know. 

Richard Demint


It used to bother me when I heard techs say this, now that I have found this site I refer them all here. In my experience, competition has always been a good thing.

Tone Blair


After proper training, I kind of like working on them. 

Theres some things I need demystified like the

1. TDM 3 way valve

2. On those 3 way valves, does the start with the freezer first, then food section? 

3. How can you tell if the valve is stuck?

4. If you need to do seal system stuff and need to charge it, what's the charging procedure? Doesn't seem like any info is really out there. 

Thanks! I'll see y'all later. 

  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Good questions, Tone. Wish you sent those in earlier- we've got a full plate of questions for tonight that were sent in a few days ago so we won't have time to get into the TDM valves. Send it in on a future Office Hours. 

Tone Blair


Ah man, was really hoping to go over that, but I'm sure whatever you'll be covering, will be gold. 



Where do i get the meeting code



Yes I have never had a problem finding the webinar meeting code until today but reading the email is this something that I was supposed to request prior to three minutes before LOL



Good question



Anyone else having trouble getting in the meeting?



I read the email more closely.  It looks like there is a request on the caledar info page that's suppose to be submitted before 6:30.  I really wanted to make this webinar!



I read the email as well, but it came in after I indicated I would be attending.
Unfortunately, it was misinterpreted because I already indicated I would be attending and my avatar was already posted as such.
I missed the last 2 seminars due to work, and was really looking forward to this one.  :boohoo::boohoo::boohoo::wc:

Tone Blair


Haha. Yea I was a bone head too, and didn't request a code early enough  

I emailed late and got one, but wasn't gaining entry, I was able to call in and listen, but not interact. 

Ill be ready next time!!

gonna catch the archive! 


  • Team Samurai
Mrs. Samurai


Hey fellas,

We missed you last night! Our video guy is checking out the recording as we speak. If it passes muster, we'll have it up soon so you can watch it. There will also be another Open Q&A next Monday evening.

As you've noticed, beginning with last week's webinar, we have a little different system for getting the connection details out to everyone. That's why we sent out TWO email reminders about the one last night - trying to get everyone's attention! (If you aren't on our email newsletter list, subscribe here: http://appliantology.org/announcement/20-newsletter/ )

We're also asking everyone to do it by 6:30 ET, because things are pretty hectic around here the last half-hour before a live webinar, as Team Samurai gets everything ready to go, and we can't always have eyeballs on last-minute emails. The best thing is to just do it right away, as soon as you see the notice that we've scheduled one.

While I've got your attention, a couple of other tips.

  • It's awesome if you can get on the webinar 5-10 minutes ahead of time. Scott is the one that has to let people into the webinar space, and if he's already presenting, there may be a delay in clicking you in because he has to wait until he can pause and see who is "knocking."
  • The system is set to require that you enter a name when you knock to enter. If you try to leave it as the autofilled "Viewer #", it won't let you in. Please enter either your actual name or your username.

Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions.

Susan/Mrs. Samurai

Tone Blair


Ok, good to know, I was being denied entry because I didn't know about the name thing. 

Also, for the Q&A next week, will it be about Samsung fridges? 

I have some questions regarding the TDM valves, and I want to make sure I submit my questions in time. 




  • Team Samurai
Mrs. Samurai



5 hours ago, Tone Blair said:

Ok, good to know, I was being denied entry because I didn't know about the name thing. 

Also, for the Q&A next week, will it be about Samsung fridges? 

I have some questions regarding the TDM valves, and I want to make sure I submit my questions in time. 

Glad you know now!

The Calendar event is now up for next Monday, so you can go ahead and request connections details and submit your questions whenever you want.

  • Team Samurai
Mrs. Samurai


The video recording is up over at the PA Webinars Forum!

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