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[Webinar] Open Q&A


Samurai Appliance Repair Man
Tech Training


  • Professional Appliantologists, Senior Appliantology Fellows, and Legacy Tech members at Appliantology 
  • Master Samurai Tech Academy students enrolled in any technical course
  • Mr. Appliance® Academy students enrolled in Bundle 1

What:  Open Q&A - This Office Hours is Open Q&A which means bring me your questions about:

  • Your coursework at the Master Samurai Tech Academy
  • A tricky tech sheet or schematic you’d like some help with
  • Questions about a particular technology used in appliances
  • Other bidness or technical questions

If you have a specific technical topic you'd like us to talk about, send it in NOW so I can pull together any schematics or tech info for us to look at together. You can either post it as a comment below or use the Contact Form. If you wait until the day of the webinar, I may not have time to pull stuff together for it.

When: Monday, July 31, 2017, at 7PM Eastern Time (adjust your time zone accordingly)

Where: All of our web meetings are powered by Join.me. For the connection details, see below.

  • Professional Appliantologists, and Legacy Techs- HEADS UP:  Request an invitation by 6:30PM on the webinar date or else nolo contendre, compadre!
  • Master Samurai Tech Academy Students: RSVP here.
  • Mr. Appliance® Academy Bundle 1 Students: RSVP here

How: Here are three tips to ensure that the webinars are a smooth, cool experience for you:

  1. Arrive early to make sure your connection is working! Also, if you show up late for the webinar, you'll be lost.
  2. Enter your name at the "knock to enter" window on the meeting page- if you leave it blank, you won't be able to enter.
  3. Watch this ultra-short video on how to use your Join.me control console.




Recommended Comments

Tone Blair


I was hoping you could continue on Samsung fridges, or I guess any brand that uses a TDM, 3 way valve. 

1. Is there a better way to know which evaporator is being filled?

2. How to tell if it's stuck in a position?

3. Charging procedures using the valve?

4. On samsungs, does the freezer evap get filled first? Or food section?

5. What to do if you suspect a bad valve.  

6. Does freon get stored in one evap or another when the one evap is being filled?

7. Will there be freon in both evaps when the compressor is not running. 

8. I was working a whirlpool side by side, and the freezer side had a freon leak, but the food section was fine, considering there was a leak, will all the freon eventually leak out? Or will some freon remain in the food section evap, and not be disturbed. 


Thanks for everything, I'm sure I'm making this more difficult than it actually is, but I've been wondering these questions for awhile. 



  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Good questions, Tone. We'll talk about three way valves and parallel and TDM refrigeration systems on Monday. 

Tone Blair





Do I have to request an invitation? Had trouble viewing last week.   Thanks sorry 

  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Sorry for the confusion, redo. We tried to make this clear in the Calendar Event description. Could you please help us by letting us know how we could improve this? (quoted from the Calendar Event description above). 


Where: All of our web meetings are powered by Join.me. For the connection details, see below.

  • Professional Appliantologists, and Legacy Techs- HEADS UP:  Request an invitation by 6:30PM on the webinar date or else nolo contendre, compadre!

For example, we could do it in big red letters, like this...


Where: All of our web meetings are powered by Join.me. For the connection details, see below.

  • Professional Appliantologists, and Legacy Techs- HEADS UP:  Request an invitation by 6:30PM on the webinar date or else nolo contendre, compadre!

Or maybe some other color? 

If it's not clear that the underlined text is a link, maybe we could add a callout like this...


Where: All of our web meetings are powered by Join.me. For the connection details, see below.

  • Professional Appliantologists, and Legacy Techs- HEADS UP:  Request an invitation <== YO! THIS IS A LINK! THAT MEANS YOU CLICK IT! by 6:30PM on the webinar date or else nolo contendre, compadre!

We're always looking to improve so please let us know! ;)



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