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[Webinar] Appliantology Peer Group


Son of Samurai
Tech Training

Who: All tech members at Appliantology: Professional Appliantologists, Senior Appliantology Fellows, Legacy Techs, and Master Samurai Tech Alumnus 

What: Bring something you'd like to share with your brethren in the craft: it could be photos, a tech tip, new insights gleaned from recent training -- anything having to do with the business or technical sides of the appliance repair trade. If you've got something to show, we'll let you share your screen and give you the opportunity to teach us all something new. And of course, Team Samurai will be there to answer any questions you might have about how to use Appliantology.

When: This session of the Appliantology Peer Group will be Sunday, April 29th 2018, at 4PM Eastern Time (adjust your time zone accordingly)

Where: All of our web meetings are powered by Join.me. 

How: Here are three tips to ensure that the webinars are a smooth, cool experience for you:

  1. Arrive early to make sure your connection is working! Also, if you show up late for the webinar, you'll be lost.
  2. Enter your Appliantology username at the "knock to enter" window on the meeting page.
  3. Watch this ultra-short video on how to use your Join.me control console.




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