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Models: 08 10 12 

PUB 16000401

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They sure don't make 'em like that anymore! I mean the Maytag service manual.

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  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Nope! That manual is a snapshot in time that shows how both the trade and appliances have changed over the past 40 years. On the one hand, appliances have become more computerized requiring techs to have both AC and DC/digital skills. At the same time, service manuals no longer teach AC troubleshooting skills, though they are still required, and don’t teach the DC/digital skills, either. It’s all disassembly, ohms checking, and minimal specifications. Techs are expected to learn the AC/DC/digital skills on their own. Most never do and resort to parts changing or picking up a few tricks by doing it. Techs can learn these skills by watching the webinar recordings here at Appliantology and through the online training courses at the Master Samurai Tech Academy

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