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LG LSWD305ST Double Wall Oven Service Manual 1.0.0

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PUB MFL37118309

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Takes forever then times out... then says forbidden if i try to resume. Will not let me retry because it says I can only download 1 file at a time. I wait hours even though I am not downloading anything. Then starts all over again. Not worth paying for membership. Try to hold you and their manuals hostage. Manuals that do not belong to them in the 1st place. I do not have hours to sit around and wait for a download. I work for a living too! Everybody has to pay for one guy.

  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


@Bentley - You are in the Legacy Tech member group. Most people in the Legacy Tech member group would have paid a small one-time membership ranging from $5  to $95 for lifetime access to the forums and for access to the Repair Manual Stash, an old Mediafire account with a bunch of manuals in it that hasn't been updated in 10 years. In your case, I don't have any record that you paid anything! But even if you did, you are getting *more* than what you originally paid for.

We've made many enhancements to the site to make it a more powerful resource for members. This has resulted in big increases in operating costs. Additionally, we are no longer supported by advertising or affiliate parts sales like in the old days. So to keep the site online, we had to go to a subscription model. Current tech membership at Appliantology is $197/year. This pays for three full-time people to run the site and a dedicated server meaning we don't share server space with any other websites-- we have our own professionally managed server in a professionally managed datacenter. This site is not a hobby run out of some guy's basement.

Legacy Tech members still have access to the tech-only forums. In fact, Legacy Techs have *more* access and features available to them now than when they first became members and today are getting *more* than what they originally paid for. We've added many features and enhancements, both hardware and software, to the site since then and we've grandfathered some of those features to Legacy Techs. One of those features is the Downloads section of the site-- a searchable repository of technical literature. The Downloads section did not even exist when you became a member. Yet you can search and download service manuals. Yes, the download speed is throttled to ensure that Professional Appliantologist members have full server resources available to them. 

Appliantology does not sell manuals. There are sites on the internet that do. We sell subscriptions to a community, of which one of the many benefits is access to manuals and to request manuals. These manuals are provided by the community, not by Appliantology. That's why it's called a "pot luck supper." We have a large and growing library of service manual and tech sheet downloads, all searchable. But access to this library is just one of the benefits to Professional Appliantologist members. You can read all the other benefits here: https://appliantology.org/store/product/11-professional-appliantologist/ 

Appliantology is a tech community, a brotherhood of professional appliance repair technicians supporting each other in the craft and helping each other become better at what we do. We are not the right site for everyone nor are we trying to be all things to all people. I don't want all techs here. I am not desperate to sell memberships to get as many members as possible. I run this site because 1) it's interesting and 2) I love the trade and want to help techs be better at what they do. 

I looked at your profile and see that, although you've been a member here since 2011, you've made only 37 posts. If all you're looking for is a cheap/free place to get manuals, you should look elsewhere. Given your level of activity at the site, I would say that you would be better off at another site. 

We are not holding you or anyone else hostage. Like any business transaction, it's all based on voluntary association: people value the services we offer more than than the money for the membership and a transaction is born. That's business in a free market economy. A member is completely free to renew their membership or not. We work hard to show value for members subscription in the hopes they do renew. 

You have already formed the opinion that we are evil, greedy, strangle kittens, eat babies, etc. We've heard it all before and mostly from guys who are barely making it as techs so they lash out at us in desperation. I don't expect that anything I've said here will change your opinion nor is that my intention. There are many other sites out there in the Internet that would be more to your liking. 

I wish you the best in your business. 




No need to take it personal or spin it. This is from 1/3/12



You have been sent this email as your subscription payment has been completed.

Date: Today, 05:13 PM
Package: Permapprenticeship
Cost: 75.00
Expires: Lifetime (Never Expires)

This email is for your information only and no further action is required.

You can manage your subscriptions here: http://appliantology.org/index.php?s=3e3d889ece477e4b977424453302ec63&app=subscriptions&



I appreciate the site. I am just tired of not being able to download a file in less than 2 hours. It was not like this when I paid. Expires: Lifetime (Never Expires)



If I am in someone's home and need a file. I have to find it elsewhere for free instead of where I paid. Lashing out no. Angry yes. I wrote you about this problem nicely and never received a response. 

  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


18 minutes ago, Bentley said:

No need to take it personal or spin it.

You may want to take your own advice since you leveled a personal attack in your previous comment.


12 hours ago, Bentley said:

Try to hold you and their manuals hostage. ... Everybody has to pay for one guy.

Are you seriously suggesting that this untrue accusation and blustery outburst is not a personal attack? 

And there's no spin-- I calmly and clearly explained the true back story. 

You are still a Permapprentice and lifetime member of the site. As I explained in my previous reply, the site is vastly expanded from when you joined and you are actually getting *more* than what you originally paid for. 

If you're still unhappy and don't want to upgrade your membership, I'll cheerfully refund the $75 you paid back on January 3, 2012.



If all you're looking for is a cheap/free place to get manuals, you should look elsewhere. Given your level of activity at the site, I would say that you would be better off at another site. I paid to have access to files not to socialize.

  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


3 minutes ago, Samurai Appliance Repair Man said:

If you're still unhappy and don't want to upgrade your membership, I'll cheerfully refund the $75 you paid back on January 3, 2012.




No thank you. I just simply wanted reasonable access to manuals. Good day and good luck. Thanks for your response.



13 hours ago, Bentley said:

Everybody has to pay for one guy.

Not you... the guy who must have repurposed your manuals before you started watermarking... NO personal attack.

  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


21 minutes ago, Bentley said:

the guy who must have repurposed your manuals before you started watermarking

Oh, I see what you're saying. That's not the case.

We had to change revenue models because affiliate parts sales and ad revenue all but dried up. The expenses to run the site did not. In fact, they increased 20x when we moved to a dedicated server, which we had to do because the site got so busy that it was always crashing. We were just trying to keep the doors open. It's not like we had this all planned out-- we were scrambling to respond to ever-changing conditions on the web (still are!).

Here are a couple of choices for you:

  1. I refund your $75, we part ways, no hard feelings, no harm no foul
  2. I give you a coupon for 1 year of free PA membership. At the end of the year, you either renew at the regular rate or you revert back to your current member group (Legacy Tech).

Think about it and let me know what you'd like me to do for you.


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