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Introduction to using the Pressure-Enthalpy Chart to diagnose refrigerator sealed system problems 1.0.0

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This is an excellent short (14 pages) technical article written by Dave Demma, a Senior Application Engineer with Sporlan. He explains how to use the pressure-enthalpy (P-H) chart to understand how a refrigeration cycle works and how to apply this to various troubleshooting scenarios. 

Don't let the "engineer" scare you-- the math is minimal and simple, nothing more complicated than arithmetic: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. The explanations are clear, plain and non-geeky and he uses lots of illustrations. It really is a masterpiece of teaching and making something complex understandable by anyone, regardless of your technical background. 

If you understand or are at least familiar with the P-H chart (which we covered in detail in the Refrigerator Sealed System Thermodynamics webinar series), you'll get a much better understanding for saturation, superheat, subcooling, and system pressures. This copy has my highlights of key points. 

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