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Adaptive Defrost Control (ADC) Board Modification In Some Models Of Whirlpool built Refrigerators

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Refrigerator Repair

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  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Yes, clipping R10 will disable the ADC algorithm and effectively make the board act like a dumb timer; it's like neutering a misbehaving bull.  



Oh wise master, kudos for that , just paid over $100 for a similar  board (67004704) ( when I went to pick it up told the counter people you have got to be kidding, thought I was getting a big board.

Does this make it go into regular defrost timed mode?

I also have rewired top mount Hot point boards to fit regular timers. 



67004704 any wise thoughts on this one?


Are  they Gold plated or are we financing Whirlpool CEO's Golden Parachute?



How would a person figure out which model # whirlpool refridgerators you can clip the R10 out of on its adc board ? is there a list of whirlpool models we can do this too?

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