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  1. So I bought this fancy Panasonic Fridge Freezer 6 years ago, it had an inverter compressor and the company was new to the market... the device itself was merely OK (it chilled alright, but the water dispenser was slow and somehow warmer than it came out of my normal tap! and the freezer food got crystals on it regularly) but slowly other owners posted tales of woe online with devices failing, poor support and eventually Panasonic exited the market. On Friday night though, the device just died - it acted as if it had been unplugged. To be fair to Panasonic, the service manual online is great and very comprehensive - https://www.manualslib.com/manual/871900/Panasonic-Nr-B53v1.html (v1 and v2 models virtually identical) and there's even a wiring diagram on the back of the machine. It says to check: Voltage of the supply Power Cord Motor Protector or Reactor Control PCB Now, the power and cord is fine, and power is going from the Control PCB to the Reactor OK at 240v. The Motor Protector has continuity. I've luckily found someone selling the $500 PCB for $50 online, it should arrive next week. I'm a little concerned that the online reviews mention Panasonic technicians not being able to diagnose similar faults and basically dumping the machine which suggests the 4 recommended steps might not be enough. The PCB doesn't have anything obviously wrong with it, and seems a bit strange to die after this time when the caps seem ok and it's outputting voltage to the reactor. I wondered if anyone had any thoughts on How to test the reactor Any PCB tests that can be done to build confidence that its replacement will fix the issue Any other diagnosis that can be done Thanks
  2. Panasonic NN-CD989S Microwave Service Manual View File PUB MOD1002311AE Submitter Son of Samurai Submitted 06/23/2018 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  3. Panasonc NNSN9x8 Microwave Service Manual View File Models: NN-SN968B NN-SN968W PUB PHAMOS0801005C1 Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 08/12/2017 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Models: NN-SN968B NN-SN968W PUB PHAMOS0801005C1
  5. Panasonic Inverter Microwave Technical Training Guide View File Models: NNT888S NNTK808S And others with inverters. Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 09/20/2016 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Models: NNT888S NNTK808S And others with inverters.
  7. Can anyone shed some expert light on my problem of a Panasonic Refrigerator Freezer please ? Its Model NR-B30FX1 (Same as a NR-B30FW1/FG1) an Inverter. I have started to pull what little hair I have left on my head trying to fix it and its probably something easy and I can afford to purchase a part to fit it myself :-) The description is a bit long but want to provide as much info as possible. The unit is just over 5 years old and has worked perfectly but was working harder, little more noise from the compressor/unit and then one morning the low temp alarm was sounding and no cooling was occurring. The power is on, all lights on the Refrigerator working when doors opened, front Control/Temp set Display is working but showing lowest default temp for Freezer/ Refrigerator /Vegetable compartments. There is no frost or icing in the freezer (FC) compartment, and the three phase DC inverter compressor and VC Freezer Fan is not running in normal mode. I have stood up the Refrigerator for a few days and let it dry out, but to no avail no difference powering it back on. This Refrigerator has a front display panel for temp setting and fast freezer etc, which attaches to Man PCB with the micro computer, and has a separate Inverter board which supplies power to the compressor and the Main PCB. In a nutshell I need some advice on how to fault the inverter board and compressor, and how to detect a IPM start signal is being sent to the inverter board from the Main PCB, the proving of the output voltage/frequency/ and finally prove compressor not faulty/locked up please ? I have watched a good video on here for faulting an inverter Refrigerator but it had a dedicated inverter board with J15 two wire control link, where mine has a major inverter board. but it did allow me to prove the windings were okay on the inverter and to understand an inverter Refrigerator . Main PCB I have checked all voltages, and relays are okay for VCC heater and Defrost heater. Don't know ho to tell its telling the inverter board to switch on though. I am handy with a multimeter and basic electronics, so have downloaded the service manual and tried the Test Control checks;- Compulsion FC start - s/c Test Terminal 1 & 3, starts both Refrigerator (PC) Fan and Freezer (FC) Fans. the s/c Test 0 (Zero) Point and Gnd does not start the Compressor but the 'C' indication comes on the front panel. There are other Test points on both PCB but do not have any info for what they do, and the self diagnostic function on the front display module is just blank (dash/dash). Compressor I have measured the compressor windings on Con703, and all appear good at 6.9 Ohms, and meggered them to Eth and no issues. The protector is fine. I have on my multimeter with a KHz frequency setting but only see a brief flash of KHz on each terminal of three W,U &V), and flash of voltage, not enough to prove consistency. Sensors/Thermisters Checked resistance of all sensors for resistance out of cct and in cct, the voltages look good. I can't find the ATC Sensor on the wiring and schematic diagram, which is used to determine difference between other sensors and ambient temp I think, so this could be faulty but unable to test it? Inverter Board/ I have checked all voltages, and the Bridge rectifier working, but the Intelligent Power Module (IPM700) SLA6805M, is cold or the heat sink is anyway. So don't know to test the control signal into it to prove its being told to switch on and prove the output voltages ?? Help Please ?? Power on Start up Sequence Both Fans operate on power up, 3 way valve makes a noise, damper step motor does a cycle, but no noise on the compressor, and a blip of voltage/frequency on the outputs from inverter board to Compressor (terms W, V and U) I can't find a full component cct diagram of the PCB boards or much on proving the inverter complicated cct. There is a data sheet on the IPM but looks complex. But now basically stuck.
  8. 112 downloads

    Panasonic microwave NN-SD297S NN-SD277S NN-SD277B NN-SD277W NN-SA247S NN-P295WFX NN-S255WFX NN-S245WFX Pub No. PHAMOS0705024A1
  9. File Name: Panasonic Inverter Microwave Service Manual, Multiple Models File Submitter: RegUS_PatOff File Submitted: 30 May 2013 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Panasonic microwave NN-SD297S NN-SD277S NN-SD277B NN-SD277W NN-SA247S NN-P295WFX NN-S255WFX NN-S245WFX Pub No. PHAMOS0705024A1 Click here to download this file
  10. 57 downloads

    Whirlpool Microwave Inverter GH6177XP by Panasonic Tech Sheet - W10132044 Repair Part List - W10258446
  11. File Name: Whirlpool Microwave Inverter Design GH6177XP by Panasonic File Submitter: RegUS_PatOff File Submitted: 29 May 2013 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Whirlpool Microwave Inverter GH6177XP by Panasonic Tech Sheet - W10132044 Repair Part List - W10258446 Click here to download this file
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