Hello Appliantology:
My name is Donna. When my last fridge died I saved up and ordered this Frigidaire brand new for $2500. I used it for exactly six years in a household of one and it stopped cooling in 2012. A repair guy told me it needed antifreeze and possibly a motor. I kept it because I wanted to be able to fix it eventually but the time has come to let it go. I want to sell it to a repair guy such as yourselves because I know you can rehab it, make it perfect again and sell it in your shop for top dollar. It still sits in my kitchen in it's place of honor.
The reason I am selling a unit I want to keep is to save my free-and-clear home from tax sale THIS MONTH. I only have a very short time to raise the money I need NOT to lose everything that matters. This is my family home. Built by my father who was a working man, jack of all trades such as yourselves. Daddy was a WWII Army vet and he always said this would be his last home and unfortunately it was. Everywhere I look on this property I see his handiwork and his love. I don't think I would survive if I lost it. It is everything to me and all I have left in this life. So I am asking $1500 which will go directly to save my home this month. I am located in Riverside, CA. Please help me save my home. You'll never regret doing this much good as long as you live. I have pictures but cannot upload them.
Donna B.