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  1. Help! Have an 8 year old GE Profile electric dryer. Laundry room is on 2nd floor in center of house. About 2 years ago, started to get water and condensation in and under dryer. I take it apart and do thorough cleaning of blower, inside, lint filters, etc, regularly. Vent duct was in wall with immediate narrow periscope unit with two 90degree bends, followed by short section then another 90, then a 12' four inch pipe to outside flapper. I struggled cleaning the periscope and vent with a thin plumbing snake and brush. This would solve the problem for a few months; then I'd repeat process. Finally, water started building up in dryer again more frequently in 2 or 3 months after cleanings. I decided to replace the old duct in a new direction. Ran a new 4'' rigid aluminum vent pipe starting with 90 degree elbow, to new pipe 8' straight up into the attic, 2nd 90 elbow, the horizontally 12', the 3' flex to a soffet vent with flapper. (All taped with foil tape, all male ends in direction of air flow.) Worked OK for a week, now water again in dryer and new vent. Could it be something with the dryer itself? Or is the new duct inadequate too? Dryer heats up well and turns fine. Other hints: New flapper on end of duct at soffet is stuck open when dryer isn't running, and weather has been super hot. Any help appreciated!
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