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  1. I love my Haier HLP21N portable machine because I don't have hookups in my apartment. I have one of the older versions of this model and the manual that was included is missing a lot of important information!!! I simply wanted to replace my leaky 8-9 year old inlet hose and now, according to the NEW manual, I may have damaged the threads where the water inlet valve connects to the hose and possibly the water inlet valve itself. Before changing the hose, I was experiencing leakage near the faucet hookup and now with the new hose, water leaks and floods at the other end. I got an adapter for fine threaded connection but it didn't make a difference. I am also missing the elusive 'water absorption cushion' but it wasn't ever a problem... I am so frustrated!!! On top of all this, I just purchased a portable dryer but I can't even wash my clothes :(:(:( Does anyone who is familiar with this model know if the water valve needs replacing? or is it just the connection??
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