WF395BTPAWR/A1 from Sam song is about four years old maybe three and suddenly began leaking a small puddle of water underneath which I attempted to stop. Seen the logical place to start would be the drain so I replaced it then I checked the soap / softener basin fill tray drain hose I thought was drippping inside the machine and made certain the hose clamps were secure. I have a replacement for above hose ready but I tested the unit and it still leaks. Going back over everything it seems to leak only from the left side which is where the pump and filter are, so my thought is perhaps the fill hose which is gray and double check the other two houses that are black behind the pump/filter unit.
Would it be a longshot think the door seal has finally given out? I've examined it thoroughly and found scanned evidence save one tiny area where it looks like water collected.
Like to fix this myself but it's getting old quick.....