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  1. Version 1.0.0


    RAISED AREAS OR BUBBLING OF THE OVERLAY SURFACE This service bulletin replaces RA01-10. Issue: A limited number of 27” and 30” wall ovens have expe- rienced raised areas or bubbling of the overlay surface (delamination between the appliqué and the ink). Models Affected 27” Wall Ovens JCKP30, JCKP70, JCKS10, JKP30 JKP35, JKP55, JKP70, JKP75, JKS1030” Wall Ovens JCTP30, JCTP70, JTP30, JTP35 JTP55, JTP70, JTP75 PUB RA02-11
  2. GE Wall Oven Service Bulletin - Bubbling of UI Overlay View File RAISED AREAS OR BUBBLING OF THE OVERLAY SURFACE This service bulletin replaces RA01-10. Issue: A limited number of 27” and 30” wall ovens have expe- rienced raised areas or bubbling of the overlay surface (delamination between the appliqué and the ink). Models Affected 27” Wall Ovens JCKP30, JCKP70, JCKS10, JKP30 JKP35, JKP55, JKP70, JKP75, JKS1030” Wall Ovens JCTP30, JCTP70, JTP30, JTP35 JTP55, JTP70, JTP75 PUB RA02-11 Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 04/08/2019 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
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