Please help!! Our GE Monogram fridge of around 10 years is struggling to maintain temperatures for about a year now. Temperature change is random through out the day. Freezer wants to hang around 15 degrees even with the temperature set to -6. It Fluctuates randomly from 0 to 15 never dropping below zero. Fridge is set to 34 (it should be set at 37) but stays around 40 hardly ever dropping below 40 and getting as high as 47.
I can hear the fan running and when the fridge is opened and closed the fan seems to function as it should. Off when opened, on when closed.
We had a CL service guy come out and he said it needed a whole bunch of parts and was not worth fixing. However because of how bad reviews are on NEW refrigerators I'd LOVE to keep this thing if possible.
I SO look forward to any help that may be out there.